Friday, September 3, 2010

Fantastic Friday-9/3

I love this idea!  What a great way to look back at the week and remember the positive and be grateful. Thanks Cameron Crazy Mom and Elle the Heiress for turning me on to this FANTASTIC idea!

Great things that happened to me this week:

1. Got to go have a girls night out and play bunco with my much missed teacher friends last night.

2. Weighed yesterday morning and I am officially down to my pre-baby weight.

3. Having a date night with hubs tonight.

4. Looking like we probably will get my oldest into the school district I’d love for him to be in. (After camping out overnight.)

5. My boys are playing more and more together. It’s so much fun to hear them laughing with each other.

6.  I got my fridge and deep freeze cleaned out and organized!

7. My oldest is getting better and better at learning the “basics” of soccer. The whole family played in our street one evening.

Okay, I know there is more. Next week I’ll keep track as the week goes. :)  What made your week so fantastic?

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