Monday, January 10, 2011

Switcher-Roo—Guest Post

Welcome my first guest blogger! Jessi Arias-Cooper blogs over at Mama’s Got Flair. I was first introduced to Jessi by reading her post about Happy Pappies. You have to see this post. Have. To. See. It.  Go ahead and read it. I’ll wait.

Did you pee your pants laughing? Good stuff, right?

Jessi is no stranger to being a boy mom; she has 3 of the rug rats. She shares my lack of estrogen in her house. Ahhh, the craziness of boys. Gotta love them!

Jessi and I are doing a “Mi casa es su casa” blog switcher-roo today. She is in my house & I’m over at hers. You’ll find my Christmas story of the almost trip to urgent care over on her blog today. So, meet Jessi & then hop on over to her house to visit me!

Cooper Family Vocab: Take That Webster!

Just as every region has it's lingo, so does every family. Growing up, some terms that passed our lips as little ones, stuck, forevermore, as Arias family terminology.

For example, if you were to dine with my parents, you would sprinkle your spaghetti with “butt cheese” (grated Parmesan) and sop up mom's delicious meat sauce with “stinky bread” (garlic bread).

Even though my sibs and I are grown up, married and have families of our own, these terms have hung around, and will be passed on for generations to come...just ask our kids.

Speaking of kids, I happen to have an energetic brood of young boys (ages, 5, 3 and 1). I'm just as boy-crazed as my pal, Jami, here. I think that's why we get along so famously...or on Twitter...infamously. Well, that and a deep and passionate appreciation for a wicked-rad mullet.

So, anyhoo...

The vocabulary in the Cooper house is just as diverse and unique as la casa de Arias. As my kids grow, and toy with language, our family dialect evolves. In the last four years, these additions have been made, and mind you, I'm only sharing ones that we use on a regular basis.

“Schmoin”- pronunciation: sh-moyn- translation: Storm - My oldest apparently couldn't say our dog's name, so he made one that worked for him.

“Peanutbutterjellyfish”- pronunciation: peenut butter jelleefish- translation: PB&J sandwich – While they all call jelly, jelly, they still refer to the actual sandwich as a “peanutbutterjellyfish.”

“Dundun”- pronunciation: dun dun – translation: Being done. Finished. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

“Oh naps”- pronunciation: oh naps – translation: Oh snap! Courtesy of my middle child. He used it regularly, and now we do, too.

“The hot”-  pronunciation: the hot- translation: The heat vent. All three of the boys refer to the vent as “the hot,” and they all love sitting on it during the cold months. Interestingly enough, in the summer, when that sweet, delicious, can't-get-enough-of-it central air conditioning blasts through, they call it...the vent.

Even as the boys learn the right words and begin to actually use them, it's still a hard habit to break, not that I really want to, anyway.

What words and terms originate from your household?